Build Me a World: The Story of The Howard School

Build Me a World: The Story of The Howard School

The Howard School was founded in 1865, making it the oldest black public school in the South. In 2008, the AP titled it a “dropout factory” with a graduation rate of 28%. In 2011, film studio Fancy Rhino began teaching a documentary class within the school to help students voice their own story of life under a dying system.

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Build Me a World: The Story of The Howard School
  • Build Me a World: The Story of The Howard School

    The Howard School was founded in 1865, making it the oldest black public school in the South. Four years ago, it was
    titled a “dropout factory” with a graduation rate of 28%. In 2011, film studio Fancy Rhino began teaching a
    documentary class within the school to help students voice their own s...